Arduino vs Raspberry Pi

It would appear at first look that Arduino versus raspberry pi gives better value, but isn’t it too quick to judge? As we will examine this issue more, the image could grow clearer. Let’s explore the differences between Raspberry Pi and Arduino.

Arduino vs Raspberry Pi

What is Arduino?

Arduino boards are microcontrollers, not entire computers with their operating systems, like the Raspberry Pi. Arduino is an open-source electrical gadget, and the IDE Integrated Development Environment is open-source software to develop and upload programs to an Arduino board. An additional positive of Arduino is that it is open-source, which means multiple design files and source codes are currently accessible. You may select any one among them or improve them to construct your own Arduino board.

Advantages of Arduino

You can pick from the program currently accessible, or you may create your own Arduino board. Both software hardware and Arduino are open-source

  • It is helpful for novices since it is simple to learn and use
  • It is relatively simple to program Arduino with IDE
  • It is less costly than Raspberry Pi
  • Arduino has a vast community and a wide variety of applications

Disadvantages of Arduino

  • Arduino boards do not allow internet and wireless communication
  • 8-bit CPU architecture
  • Arduino is incapable of doing sophisticated operations
  • It has extremely less processing power as compared to Raspberry Pi

What is Raspberry Pi?

Raspberry Pi does not give storage, but you may use microSD cards to store whichever OS (Raspberry Pi, Ubuntu Mate, etc.) you choose. It has all the attributes of a PC: a dedicated CPU, memory, and a graphics driver. It also has an operating system called Raspberry Pi OS, an improved version of Linux. Raspberry Pi also features Bluetooth, Ethernet, and Wi-Fi-based connections; thus, it may send data over the internet. The Raspberry Pi project design and the software are not open-source. The Raspberry Pi Foundation is always improving and making it better. Since its debut, it has been a popular option for robotics, weather monitoring, the Internet of Things, and many other electrical systems.

Advantages of Raspberry 

  • So it supports an operating system, it can execute complicated activities like Weather monitoring, Controlling robotics, etc.
  • You may use it as a portable computer since it contains everything- from CPU to Ethernet connector and Wi-Fi connectivity
  • However, It can execute all sorts of applications
  • It has a big number (general-purpose input/output). Therefore, it can accommodate a huge number of sensors

Disadvantages of Raspberry 

  • The Raspberry Pi doesn’t come with any internal storage; instead, it uses a micro SD card
  • During demanding operations, it sometimes overheats


Both Arduino and Raspberry Pi have advantages and disadvantages. The decision between them depends on the kind of job and your budget. Raspberry Pi is ideally suited to accomplish difficult jobs like piloting intricate robotics, weather monitoring, publishing to the internet, etc. So your project necessitates complex functions and an internet connection; the Raspberry Pi is an option.

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